Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Development Of Western China Report Footwear - Shoes

Development Of Western China Report Footwear - Shoes, Boots, Western - The Footwear
"In recent years, the rapid economic development on the coast, part of the production processes of traditional industries and the gradual transfer of the central and western Europe. West shoes, Chengdu and Chongqing Bishan two production bases in western footwear.

About Chengdu 1 shoes shoes from China's capital market developments, Andon shoes in ancient times 100 years ago, Chengdu, starch laboratory Street shoe is fairly well known. There was a very large scale, where 80% of the stones Wuhou. Currently, Chengdu has a group of about 4,000 business-related sales of 10 billion Yuan, and exported $ 1,000,000,000, about 80%. Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the shoe is the dominant sector, has become a "shoe in Chengdu, Sichuan, Chengdu Shoes Wuhou to see" a positive trend of shoes Wuhou and around the Industrial Park in Sichuan Province, collected 80% or most of the shoe formed a perfect Jackie Chan, integration, and annual Billionaire leather shoes double the annual production value of over 70 billion across the industry, "finished third at the start of the women.

Currently, Chengdu has become the shoe 117 countries and territories around the world. 2. "Chengdu shoes" BrandChengdu the footwear industry, a group of star-shoe companies such as Emerson's children's shoes, shoes, paper-mei, ylang ylang shoes, shoes Sheng Niya, where the "sons of Emerson" branded shoes in 2006 was only one west of the country of export tax exemption certificate. Production and design of these relatively high were satisfied with the casting OEM urgent need to develop our brand and increase the competitiveness of core products. November 2006, Chengdu Shoes establish a "brand shoes in the Chinese capital of the Federal" together to promote the "Chengdu Shoes" and the image. 3. Chengdu footwear exports Exports: export activity of the whole issue of small and medium-sized businesses powerful.

According to industry estimates, has exported more than 1,200 households in Chengdu shoe manufacturers in 2006 over 50 million pairs of footwear products valued at $ 700 million, exports about 80% of the total output (domestic sales of less than 20%), most export products OEM OEM free border customs statistics. Export Market: Chengdu footwear exports to over 100 countries and regions. Europe, the United States is the main export market, accounting for 75.63% of total exports, while Europe accounted for 56.49% of total exports.

The top 10 exporting countries and regions in the United States, Russia years Williams, the European Union, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Latvia, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Panama, representing 81.35 % of total exports. environment for export: the EU has been one of the export markets of Chengdu shoe tradition of exports in recent years has grown and continues to improve efficiency. October 5, 2006, the Union has approved the official collection of Chinese products of leather shoes 16.5% anti-dumping tax, footwear production in the EU and exports in Chengdu cold snap. As the anti-dumping normally digested by the importer, the EU imports of footwear margins of about 15? 20% service charge anti-dumping is to eliminate the profits of importers and exhausted that the Union in order to leave India, Pakistan and transferred to other countries, the shoe industry in Chengdu has had a major negative. Shoes Chongqing Bishan Bishan Bishan first about the shoes is a large-scale footwear production base in the West.

After years of development, Bishan county was founded more than 1300 footwear and related companies account for more than 60 million pairs of shoes a year, the annual production of 4.57 billion yuan in industrial scale. Among the 25 companies of China Leather Association has adopted the skin with logo and create a national product, free, March 6 Chongqing, Chongqing famous brands in four, two famous products in Chongqing, which are sold in 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the products are sold in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong, more than 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and exported to Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Europe and other regions.

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